JUST START by Marieke Lexmond
Most days, as a writer, I feel like a serious slacker. I’m not one of those people who spends hours on end behind their computer. When I sit down, I write, and if I don’t “feel it,” I do other things—related activities that hopefully spark my imagination. It took me many years before I dared to say, “This is my process.” Every writer has a unique method that works for them.
However, there are those days when your mind goes blank, and panic sets in. Where should I even begin? Whatever I try, the words are not coming. Sweat starts to pour down my back, and I see the deadline looming like a tidal wave. My mind starts to spiral in all the wrong directions, bringing me further away from my goal. It is weirdly tempting to follow this path down the rabbit hole that generally doesn’t lead me anywhere.
“Stop!” I tell myself, “JUST START!”
Today is a perfect example. I wanted to take this opportunity and write a Blogatini, and for the life of me, didn’t know what to write about. Taking my own advice, I just started, LOL. Everything you write doesn’t need to be perfect, but nothing happens if you don’t begin.
Writing words on the page, even if you throw them away later, is never wasted. I delete sections at a time sometimes. Yes, that can be painful, as often it’s something I enjoyed writing about my characters, but in hindsight, it doesn’t move the story forward—so it has to go. Still, spending that time with your characters helps you to get to know them better, and even though it might not make the book, it lives inside you and enriches the story. The better you know your characters, the deeper the feelings that shine through in your story—the easier the subtext finds its way into the dialogue.
If writing my books taught me anything, it’s that you’re capable of more things than you imagined. Writing is only a part of being a writer; it involves websites, social media, public speaking, and much more. Hmmm, maybe a topic for another Blogatini!
For now, I just want to say, “JUST START.” The road might not be as you envisioned, but you’re moving, and you’ll get somewhere. Can’t wait to see what you create!
Marieke Lexmond
Author of “The Madigan Chronicles”