The Podcast Doctor is an invaluable resource
for podcasters seeking to enhance their podcasts.

Does Your Podcast Need a Checkup?
Why should the Podcast Doctor listen to and evaluate your podcast?
Expertise and Experience: The Podcast Doctor (Pat Rullo) is trained and experienced in radio and podcasting and profoundly understands the medium, industry trends, and audience preferences. Pat hosted and produced the first nationally syndicated radio program focused on patient safety and the patient experience. Her show, Speak Up and Stay Alive, initially aired on two Salem Media Group flagship stations in Cleveland, Ohio, and Phoenix, Arizona. It was picked up and aired in all fifty states within the first year. Pat writes, records, edits, and produces each of her weekly shows. She has interviewed many top doctors, hospital CEOs, and scientists from major hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Cedars-Sinai, Beth Israel Deaconess Harvard Medical School, and the Cleveland Clinic. Her interviewing skills enable her to provide valuable insights and guidance to improve your podcast and guest conversations.
Objective Feedback: As the creator of your podcast, you may be too close to it to see its strengths and weaknesses objectively. Pat brings an unbiased perspective to evaluate your podcast’s content, structure, presentation, and overall quality. Her feedback can highlight areas for improvement or identify aspects that are working well.
Audience Perspective: Pat has an excellent grasp of what listeners want and expect from podcasts and can assess whether your podcast aligns with your target audience and offer suggestions to make it more engaging and relevant. Gaining an audience’s perspective can enhance your podcast’s appeal and attract loyal listeners.
Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Pat’s evaluation can help you identify your podcast’s strengths and unique selling points. She can recognize aspects that make it stand out from the competition and provide guidance on further strengthening those areas. Moreover, she can pinpoint weaknesses or areas that need improvement, allowing you to focus on enhancing those aspects.
Growth and Success: Having Pat evaluate your podcast increases the chances of its growth and success. Her expertise and feedback can help refine your podcast to attract more listeners, increase engagement, and improve overall quality. This evaluation can be a valuable investment toward achieving your podcasting goals.
12 Point Checkup
You will receive a written report with comments/suggestions to cover everything below.
Pat will listen to an episode of your choice and one of her choice to use as a basis for the evaluation.
Turnaround time is less than 2 weeks.
1. AUDIO QUALITY – Video Quality if applicable
Consistent sound levels/volume – Background noise – Distortion – Breathing sounds – Visual distractions
Awkward transitions – Removal of overuse of filler words (like, um, uh) – Dead air/pauses
Does it define the podcast – Call to action – Length – Content – Music selection – Sound effects- excessive and distracting or beneficial
Well-organized – Clear segments or topics – Transitions – Duration – too long – too short – inconsistent – Inconsistent from episode to episode
Valuable content/useful – Research – Evidence of wing-it
Useful – Relevant – Accurate – Information overload – Content pertinent to the title of the podcast or episode – Inappropriate or offensive content/swearing
Pace – Monotonous – Robotic – Reading – Conversational – Small talk – irrelevant and excessive banter – Going off topic – rambling, repeating – Overuse of jargon or technical language – Information overload – Overly scripted – Filler words um and ahs
Personality – Authentic – Comfortable – Expertise – Engaged – actively participates, asks questions – Focused – Humor
9. GUESTS if applicable
Selection/quality of guests – Interrupting or dominating guests – Sound quality of guest
Titles of episodes, descriptions, show notes – Cover art – Social media
11. ADS and ADVERTISING if applicable
Too many – Frequency – Placement – Length – Appropriate – Self-promotion
Consistent release schedule – Available on multiple platforms – Easy to find – Easy to download
Is each episode consistent in content, quality, and all of the above?
Would I listen again and share with others?
Submit your info and pay below.
You will receive a follow-up email from Pat to gather any additional information prior to your podcast check-up.
OPTION1: Podcast Evaluation and Written Report – $150.00
OPTION 2: Podcast Evaluation, Written Report, Plus 30 Minute Phone Call for Q&A/Review – $250.00
(this option also includes a FREE entry into the Best Host category when you enter your show into the Positive Change Podcast Awards)